DIG XX is, more now than ever in its XXtreme form, one of the best music documentaries.
Read full articleGreat rock docs don’t just capture a moment, they frame it, interrogate it, and maybe even place it on trial.
Read full articleDIG! XX is magnificent and fiery, an artistic telling of a story that is frequently misunderstood because of our society’s tendency to put a premium on obedience rather than free will, even in art.
Read full articleDiffering measures of commercial success, drug addiction, personality conflicts, and so forth conspired to gradually turn these separate camps of besties into enemies.
Read full article“Dig! XX,” however, consciously or not, starkly demystifies the f**ked-up tortured artist fairytale. Because in a Blur Vs. Oasis-like mode of toxic competition and rivalry, it’s always the bigger *ssholes who always lose to history in the end.
Read full articleAfter all these years, this documentary is still as jarring, hilarious, and deeply strange as it ever was, and these new additions only make this shocking story even more astonishing.
Read full articleWith the new Dig! XX, Timoner takes one of the greatest rock docs ever made and makes it even better.
Read full articleDig! XX may not be a better film than Dig!, but it’s certainly more comprehensive.
Read full articleWhat unites everyone in this still-engrossing movie is that they do what they do because, a) it’s all they can do, and b) it’s all they want to do.
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