The film takes a somewhat satirical approach towards film school processes and the central performance is very attractive. After the very enigmatic conclusion the viewer is left with a great deal on which to ponder.
Read full articlePetrol reminds us that Lodkina is clearly a talented filmmaker to watch, with big ideas and plenty more left in the tank
Read full articleAn absolutely beguiling and emotionally involving mystery with a brilliant sonic texture. I loved being invited into its unnerving spaces.
Read full article[Petrol] has a poetic and sometimes surreal narrative style that conveys a vividly emotional take on the world; it reveals profound truths about the characters, even if the precise detail of their story remains slightly -- and deliciously -- cryptic.
Read full articleOstensibly a coming-of-age tale about an introverted young woman searching for the unknown... Lodkina’s penchant for upending narrative conventions and gleeful indulgence in all manner of the fantastique makes for a uniquely invigorating experience.
Read full articleIt's made for an audience that is not afraid of star-gazing and not afraid to determine for themselves what they are seeing.
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