Sing Sing

audience Reviews

, 97% Audience Score
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Aunque tiene un ritmo muy lento en el inicio y no da señales claras de hacia donde va a ir la trama, poco a poco se va construyendo a si misma con personajes tan carismáticos, que se sienten tan puros e inocentes en su arte, todo lo que se concibió para hacer esta película fue una gran idea, los actores interpretándose a si mismos, Divine Eye logra ponerse al nivel de un magistral Colman Domingo como Divine G y todo lo que logran transmitir permitiéndote conectar con ellos y ver como sobrellevan el hecho de estar presos y su lucha diaria mientras intentan sentirse libres y permitirse sanar internamente mientras hacen teatro penitenciario. Que gran y hermosa película.
  • Rating: 0.5 out of 5 stars
    Very slow. I actually fell asleep and had to re-watch. It says based on real story. The main character was never found to be improperly sentenced. The true story aspect was that there was a theatrical group in the prison which helped transform the inmates. Far from a 97% which caught my attention.
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    Phenomenal flick and has a nice and surprising fact about the cast at the end. This was a very endeering film with tense moments where you are wondering if perhaps a character will break and ruin their chances for the future. It's a movie that represents the nuances of humans. Someone may fit into a stereotype or generalization, but even then be more than that. The person can have many layers hidden inside them. Perhaps a hidden talent. A talent for performing. That's what this movie is about. Very real, very raw and everyone deserves a standing O for this. Fantastic stuff. Thank you!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Truly moving cinema. Exceptional.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    An absolute masterpiece in every sense of the word.
  • Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
    One of the lesser talked about nominees of the 2025 award season, Sing Sing exists mostly as an acting showcase for its mostly amateur cast. Its great that so many former RTA performers are playing themselves, something I didn’t realise util the credits rolled, but it gives the film an extra level of authenticity, as does the fact that the movie was shot in various decommissioned prisons, something that I’m sure was uncomfortable for much of the aforementioned actors. The film’s structure is the main weakness, as its full of conflicts, revelations and reveals that are as predictable as they are inconsequential. But there’s such an earnesty to the story and the characters that you won’t care which events you see coming a mile away. Colman Domingo seems to be getting all the plaudits in terms of his performance, but I feel like he was acted off the screen by Clarence Maclin, who I imagine drew on a lot of his personal experience and trauma to deliver a performance that’s so real and finely detailed, not to mention the fact that he gets by far the most compelling arc in the film. As old hat as much of it is, its strength lies in its realism, its redemptive themes and its sheer unpretentiousness. If you like your drama straightforward and uncluttered by subplots, Sing Sing is an excellent choice.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Anyone who is a fan of deep, emotional story telling in movie format needs to see this. If you are a fan of great acting, you need to see this. If you have a heart you need to this.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I didn't know what to expect and I was riveted. Very moving and incredible acting
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    One of my top three films of 2024 is this very simple story of a group of American prisoners who start up an acting troupe to perform for other prisoners, and is based on a true story. Colman Domingo continues his masterstroke of acting as the driving force behind the Rehabilitation Through the Arts programme, and amazingly most of the other stars of the film are actual former prisoners, including Clarence Maclin, who plays himself and who also co-wrote the film, and is Oscar-nominated. Sing Sing is a truly inspirational movie, a rare piece of work that will stick with you long after you watch it. Sing Sing refers to the notorious prison in upstate New York, USA. Streaming on most sites.
  • Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
    Well, I finally saw it. After almost a year of failed wide theatrical releases, SING SING is now available to rent or buy On Demand. I was hoping to see it on the big screen, but the Academy Awards are coming up quickly, so here we are. After all of the build-up and anticipation, this movie met my high expectations. Based on an article The Sing Sing Follies by journalist John H. Richardson, it tells the story of the inmate theatre troupe of Sing Sing prison in New York, through the Rehabilitation Through the Arts (RTA) program cofounded by John “Divine G” Whitfield (Colman Domingo). After the recruitment of Clarence “Divine Eye” Maclin (as himself), the troupe is shaken up, for better or worse. They embark on preparations for a new play, a comedy this time around, guided by Brent (Paul Raci). Despite the morbid environment and each character’s individual situations, the movie has a strong message that art can transform people for the better. It allows the inmates to express their feelings in a healthy and an emotionally mature way that brings out vulnerability. Second chances and all that. I would classify this as a documentary-style drama, since it’s shot on handheld film, and almost all of the troupe played fictionalized versions of themselves: David “Dap” Giraudy, Patrick “Preme” Griffin, Mosi Eagle, James “Big E” Williams, Sean “Dino” Johnson, Dario Peña, Miguel Valentin, Jon-Adrien “JJ” Velazquez, Pedro Cotto, Camillo “Carmine” Lovacco, and finally, Cornell “Nate” Alston. John “Divine G” Whitfield himself has a cameo. I wanted to make a point in naming everybody, they all did an amazing job. I understand there’s a reason for prisons, but we as a society need to remember that we are all human. I’m so happy I finally saw this movie, and I will SING SING from the highest mountaintop that this got snubbed for a spot in the Oscar category of Best Picture. It’s even made me second-guess my pick for Best Actor. Damn you Colman Domingo for being so good, earning 2 nominations 2 years in a row!